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The Prisoner of Zenda
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
The Prisoner of Zenda Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Don't Remember
Rating: PG Year: 1979 Category: Comedy Action
Director: Richard Quine Time: 108 min. Writer: Anthony Hope & Dick Clement

Mine: It has a couple of moments, but not enough to save this. I saw this when I was a big Sellers fan and saw anything he did. This is not one of his better efforts.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Famous swashbuckler is played for laughs, but there aren't any. A return to the kind of picture that helped to destroy Sellers' career until the second series of Clouseau comedies rescued it.
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Peter Sellers Peter Sellers as:
Rudolf V/Syd Frewin
Lynne Fredrick as:
Princess Flavia
Lionel Jefferies as:
Gen. Sapt
Elke Sommer as:
The Countess
Gregory Sierra as:
The Count
Jeremy kemp as:
Duke Michael
Catherine Schell as:
John Laurie as: