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Pink Floyd: The Wall
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1 star
Pink Floyd: The Wall Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: in NH w/ Kim Ziegelmayer and others.
Rating: R Year: 1982 Category: Musical
Director: Alan Parker Time: 95 min. Writer: Roger Waters

Mine: Depressing and often just gross. The animation is bizarre and beyond my desire to understand. I would guess that this is for die-hard Pink Floyd fans only.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Visualization of Pink Floyd's somber best-selling album, about a rock star's mental breakdown, is perhaps the longest rock video to date, and certainly the most depressing. Many of the images are hypnotic, but the air of self-indulgence, and relentlessly downbeat theme, erode one's interest after a while. Striking animated sequences by political cartoonist Gerald Scarfe. Panavision.
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Bob Geldof as:
Christine Hargreaves as:
Pink\'s Mother
Bob Hoskins Bob Hoskins as:
Rockand Roll Manager
Ellis Dale as:
Jenny Wright as:
American Groupie
Eleanor David as:
Pink\'s Wife
Alex McAvoy as:
James Laurenson as:
Pink\'s Father