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Logan's Run
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Logan's Run Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with:
Rating: PG Year: 1976 Category: Sci-Fi
Director: Michael Anderson Time: 120 min. Writer: David Zelag Goodman

Mine: Cool idea, done well. Great sets. Michael York, never much of an actor, here does just fine even if not much is asked of him.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Dazzling first half, showing life of unending pleasure and extinction at age 30 in the year 2274, canceled out by dreary second half. Earned a special Oscar for visual effects. From novel by William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson. Later a brief TV series. Todd-AO 35.
User Reviews:
Axel's rating:
4 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
Often overlooked because of Star Wars, this one is a very compelling film. I never really thought of Michael York as a great actor until I saw this. Great sci-fi. Richard Jordan and Peter Ustinov are also terrific in supporting roles. Jerry Goldsmith's score is one of his best. Visuals are pretty good, too. It is kinda dreary in the second half, but that just boosts the overall message of the story. It may be outdated, but why carp?
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Michael York as:
Logan 5
Richard Jordan as:
Jenny Agutter as:
Roscoe Lee Browne as:
Farrah Fawcett as:
Michael Anderson Jr. as:
Peter Ustinov Peter Ustinov as:
Old Man
David Westberg as: