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The Jerk
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
The Jerk Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with:
Rating: R Year: 1979 Category: Comedy
Director: Carl Reiner Time: 94 min. Writer: Steve Martin & Carl Gottlieb

Mine: Several very funny moments, but overall too idiotic to be funny, or maybe I just can't stand Peters to the point where it ruins the movie for me. Martin goes on to do much better stuff!
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Martin's first starring feature is a hit-or-miss comedy about the misadventures of a terminally stupid man. Some very funny moments, but after a while they're spread pretty thin. Martin later produced a TV version, THE JERK, TOO.
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Steve Martin Steve Martin as:
Navin R. Johnson
Bernadette Peters as:
Carlin Adams as:
Patty Bernstein
Mable King as:
Richard Ward as:
M. Emmet Walsh M. Emmet Walsh as:
Dick O'Neill as:
Maurice Evans as:
Carl Reiner Carl Reiner as:
Suing Navin