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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Hooper Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with:
Rating: PG Year: 1978 Category: Drama Comedy
Director: Hal Needham Time: 97 min. Writer: Walt Green & Bill Kerby

Mine: Seems dated, but I liked when I first saw it. Reynolds is the show, I admit that in the 70's I though that he was pretty cool.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Lighthearted look at aging ace Hollywood stunt man Reynolds, his freewheeling life-style, and the young tyro who gets him to try the biggest stunt of all.
User Reviews:
Mere's rating:
2 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
WOW. Not wow to the actual movie (i could barely stay awake) but my uncle, Walt Green wrote this and that is really cool. I don't quite remember what it was about because i just couldn't bring myself to pay attention for more than a few minutes, but good job on the screenplay cause your my uncle.
R.D. Harles's rating:
None Given
(out of 5 stars)
Great movie if your a Burt Reynolds fan. Who didn't love him in the 70's 80's... Hey Mere - your review sucks! How can you not love a stunt movie where all they do is drink.
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Burt Reynolds Burt Reynolds as:
Sonny Hooper
Jan-Michael Vincent as:
Ski Chinski
Sally Field Sally Field as:
Gwen Doyle
Brian Keith as:
Jacko Doyle
John Marley as:
Max Berns
Robert Klein Robert Klein as:
Roger Deal
James Best as:
Terry Bradshaw as:
SWAT Commander