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Heart and Souls
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
Heart and Souls Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: I don't remember
Rating: PG Year: 1993 Category: Romance
Director: Ron Underwood Time: 93 min. Writer: Gregory Hansen & Erik Hansen

Mine: Likable leads, nothing offensive, but nothing that great either.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Four disparate San Franciscans die in a bus accident in 1959, and find themselves inexorably linked with a baby who's been born at that same exact moment; what's more, only he can see and hear them. A great showcase for Downey--whose body is inhabited, at various times, by his heavenly friends--though Woodard is equally good, as usual. Fans of mushy, sentimental, old-fashioned Hollywood fantasies (like us) should enjoy this fable, which hits all the right notes; others beware. Based on a 9-minute short-subject by the coauthors of this script. Look fast to see Bob Newhart's son, Robert William Newhart, impersonating his dad. Panavision.
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Robert Downey Jr. Robert Downey Jr. as:
Thomas Reilly
Charles Grodin Charles Grodin as:
Harrison Winslow
Alfre Woodard Alfre Woodard as:
Penny Washington
Kyra Sedgwick as:
Tom Sizemore Tom Sizemore as:
Milo Peck
David Paymer David Paymer as:
Elisabeth Shue Elisabeth Shue as:
Bill Calvert as:
Mr. Reilly
Lisa Lucas as:
Mrs. Reilly