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Foul Play
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Foul Play Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with:
Rating: PG Year: 1978 Category: Drama Thriller
Director: Colin Higgins Time: 110 min. Writer: Colin Higgins

Mine: Fun light fluff. Neat Hitchcock tribute. Goldie and Chevy are fun together.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Innocent woman (Hawn) gets caught in strange murder plot in San Francisco; no one believes her except detective Chase, who's falling in love with her. Likable stars, good fun, but protracted story, tasteless comedy, and Hitchcock plagiarism detract. Followed by a short-lived TV series.
User Reviews:
Renny's rating:
(out of 5 stars)
Very funny movie, Throughly enjoyed it
Dan Kessel's rating:
2 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
The cast is comprised of superlative, talented, personable performers. They are all wonderfull and the production touches (sets, lighting, etc.) are all great. This is a film that had potential that was never realised. It has it's little moments but it doesn't work as a film. I kept waiting for it to get better and it never did. A lot of people seem to like this film and I'm in the decided minority but for me it was ultimately frustrating and boring. If I want the Vertigo touches (Cop named "Scotty" and "Fergie", San Francisco bay, etc. etc. etc.) I'll watch Hitchcock, James Stewart and Kim Novak. To be fair, I must admit that life's moments being finite and fleeting, I finally stopped watching before it was over, at the point when Chevy finds Dennehy in the cellar while Rachel Roberts and company are going over ther socio-political-theological musings prior to their assasination attempt on the pope. Ms. Roberts was used to much better effect with Richard Harris in "This Sporting Life" as was Burgess Merideth in the original "Of Mice And Men" and Billy Barty in "Footlight Parade". And of course Goldie Hawn and Dudley Moore and Chevy Chase are all very groovy but the film just didn't cut it for this particular reporter. I really tried to like it.
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Goldie Hawn Goldie Hawn as:
Gloria Mundy
Chevy Chase Chevy Chase as:
Tony Carlson
Burgess Meredith as:
Mr. Hennessy
Dudley Moore Dudley Moore as:
Stanley Tibbets
Brian Dennehy Brian Dennehy as:
Billy Barty Billy Barty as:
J.J. MacKuen
Chuck McCann as:
Theatre Manager
Rachel Roberts as:
Delia Darrow