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Dessert Bloom
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Dessert Bloom Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: PG Year: 1986 Category: Drama
Director: Eugene Corr Time: 103 min. Writer: Eugene Corr

Mine: Bittersweet movie. Sandy and dusty in tone and apperiance.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Perceptive, exquisitely realized memoir, set in 1951 Nevada--the dawn of the Atomic Age. Heroine is 13-year-old Gish, whose mother (Williams) only sees what she wants to and whose stepfather (solidly acted by Voight) is an embittered, alcoholic WW2 hero reduced to running a gas station. Corr wrote the poignantly precise script from a story by Linda Remy and himself.
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Annabeth Gish Annabeth Gish as:
Rose Chismore
Jon Voight Jon Voight as:
Jack Chismore
JoBeth Williams JoBeth Williams as:
Lily Chismore
Ellen Barkin Ellen Barkin as:
Aunt Starr
Jay Underwood as:
Desiree Joseph as:
Dee Ann Chismore
William Lang as:
Dusty Balcerzak as:
Barbara Jo Chismore