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My Rating:
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Dad Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: PG Year: 1989 Category: Drama
Director: Gary David Goldberg Time: 117 min. Writer: William Wharton & Gary David Goldberg

Mine: Maudlin and yucky! Only Lemmon's presense keeps this one from being a bomb. Danson should stay away from drama, he is not up do it. A string of dull cliche's.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Busy, distracted executive learns his father may be dying and rushes home; he winds up becoming his dad's caretaker and companion, and they grow closer than they've ever been. Genuinely affecting tearjerker turns sappy and ``cute'' at the midway point, almost negating Lemmon's fine performance. Why couldn't they have quit while they were ahead? Feature directing debut for TV sitcom producer Goldberg.
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Jack Lemmon Jack Lemmon as:
Jake Tremont
Ted Danson Ted Danson as:
John Tremont
Olympia Dukakis Olympia Dukakis as:
Bette Remont
Kathy Baker Kathy Baker as:
Kevin Spacey Kevin Spacey as:
Ethan Hawke Ethan Hawke as:
Zakes Mokae as:
Dr. Chad
J. T. Walsh J. T. Walsh as:
Dr. Santana