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Career Opportunities
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
half a star
Career Opportunities Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Showcase North Haven?
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1991 Category: Comedy
Director: Bryan Gordon Time: 93 min. Writer: John Hughes

Mine: Just terrible. The leads are kind of fun, but terribly written, badly directed. Connelly is very good looking, but that is the only thing to recommend this one.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Otherwise unemployable teen gets the night watchman job at an all-purpose department store; his first night is an idyllic round-the-clocker with a girl who's hiding out inside, and who just happens to be the town's no. 1 rich dish. Typical ode to arrested development from writer-producer John Hughes, a 10m. idea stretched into a feature. Tolerable only for John Candy's unbilled cameo, and as a showcase for gorgeous Connelly. Panavision.
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Frank Whaley Frank Whaley as:
Jim Dodge
Jennifer Connelly Jennifer Connelly as:
Josie McClellan
Dermot Mulroney Dermot Mulroney as:
Nestor Pyle
Kieran Mulroney as:
Gil Kinney
John M. Jackson as:
Bud Dodge
Marc Clement as:
John Candy John Candy as:
C. D. Marshall
Wilbur Fitzgerald as:
Bob Bosenbeck