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The Caine Mutiny
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
The Caine Mutiny Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with:
Rating: NR Year: 1954 Category: Drama
Director: Edward Dmytryk Time: 124 min. Writer: Herman Woulk & Stanley Roberts

Mine: A top-notch court room drama. Bogart makes a good villian.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Naval officers Johnson and Francis mutiny against paranoid, unpopular Capt. Queeg (Bogart) and are court-martialed in this exciting adaptation (by Stanley Roberts) of Herman Wouk's Pulitzer Prize novel. Wartime mutiny scene during typhoon still packs a wallop.
User Reviews:
John Capps MD's rating:
None Given
(out of 5 stars)
This is one of those movies I can watch again and again, preferrably when I catch it by chance duruing late-night insomia-driven channel surf. I think could be Bogart's greatest role, as the clear villian but one you eventually feel sorry for (especailly after Jose Ferrer's drunken diatribe at end). Only weak spot in my opinion is casting of Fred McMurry. Despite his association in most our minds wiht the kindly ever-patient father in "My Three Sons," he has many powerful dramatic roles under his belt (just see "Double Indemity"), but just doesn't work for me as intellectual and cynical novelist and a closet coward.
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Humphery Bogart as:
Lt. Com. Queeg
Jose Ferrer as:
Lt. Barney Greenwald
Van Johnson as:
Lt. Steve Maryk
Fred MacMurray as:
Lt. Tom Keefer
Robert Francis as:
Willie Keith
May Wynn as:
May Wynn
E. G. Marshall E. G. Marshall as:
Lt. Commander Challee
Lee marvin as: