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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Brainstorm Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with: with Jessica
Rating: PG Year: 1983 Category: Thriller Sci-Fi
Director: Douglas Trumbull Time: 106 min. Writer: Philip Frank Messina & Robert Stitzel

Mine: Very well done thriller.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Research scientists Walken and Fletcher perfect a sensory experience device--in the form of a headset--with explosive potential. Entertainingly old-fashioned ``mad scientist'' type story brought up to date, though it's best not to examine story too closely. Fletcher gives film's standout performance, but Wood, in her last film (she died during production in 1981) has a basically thankless role. Sure to lose most of its impact on TV, since Trumbull's state-of-the-art visual effects were designed for 70mm Super Panavision.
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Christopher Walken Christopher Walken as:
Michael Brace
Natalie Wood Natalie Wood as:
Karen Brace
Louise Fletcher as:
Lillian Reynolds
Cliff Robertson as:
Alex Terson
Jordan Christopher as:
Gordy Forbes
Donald Hotton as:
Landan Marks
Alan Fudge as:
Robert Jenkins
Joe Dorsey as:
Hal Abramson