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Barefoot in the Park
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Barefoot in the Park Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with:
Rating: PG Year: 1967 Category: Romance Comedy
Director: Gene Saks Time: 104 min. Writer: Neil Simon

Mine: Very sweet movie. Great fun to see very young Fonda and Redford. Fonda as the yougn housewife is quite a hoot, given her later political persona. Neil Simon at his best.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Plotless, entertaining Neil Simon comedy finds Fonda and Redford newlyweds in five-story walkup apartment. Running gag about climbing stairs grows thin, but film doesn't. Redford and Natwick recreate their Broadway roles; Saks' screen directing debut. Later, briefly a TV series with an all-black cast.
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Robert Redford Robert Redford as:
Paul Bratter
Jane Fonda Jane Fonda as:
Corie Bratter
Charles Boyer as:
Bictor Velasco
Mildred Natwick as:
Corie's Mother
Herb Edelman as:
Harry Pepper
Mabel Albertson as:
Aunt Harriet
Fritz Feld as:
Resturant Owner
James Stone as:
Delivery Man