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All That Jazz
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
All That Jazz Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with: At Summer Stock Theatre
Rating: R Year: 1979 Category: Drama
Director: Bob Fosse Time: 113 min. Writer: Robert Alan Arthur & Bob Fosse

Mine: I liked this a great deal when I saw it, but I am not sure I really understood it. Time to watch it again. Love Ann Reinking
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Director-choreographer Fosse's own 81/2 casts a self-indulgent and largely negative look at his life; great show biz moments and wonderful dancing are eventually buried in pretensions, and an interminable finale which leaves a bad taste for the whole film. But that opening number (set to George Benson's recording of ``On Broadway'') is a wow!
User Reviews:
Frank B.'s rating:
None Given
(out of 5 stars)
Erzebet Foldi was great (as the young star playing Mr. Schneider's daughter). Did she ever play in any other movies? I hear she became a dancer.
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Roy Scheider Roy Scheider as:
Joe Gideon
Jessica Lange Jessica Lange as:
Ann Reinking as:
Kate Jagger
Leland Palmer as:
Audrey paris
Gliff Gorman as:
Davis Newman
Ben Bereen as:
O'Conner Flood
Erzsebet Foldi as:
Max Wright as:
Joshua Penn
CCH Pounder as: