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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Speed Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Cheri and kids at Showcase North Haven
Rating: R Year: 1994 Category: Action
Director: Jan De Bont Time: 116 min. Writer: Graham Yost

Mine: Great fun. Reeves is required to act on a bit and does a good job. Hooper makes a great villian. First time that I really noticed Bullock. Almost as good as you get in the genre.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: ncredibly kinetic, supercharged action yarn about an elite SWAT-team cop (Reeves) who's targeted by a psycho/mastermind (Hopper), and led onto an L. A. city bus that's triggered to explode. If you're going to make a nonstop action movie, this is the way to do it--with expert pacing, eye-popping stunts and special effects, and characters who make sense. A bull's-eye! Oscar winner for Best Sound and Sound Effects Editing. Followed by a sequel. Panavision.
User Reviews:
thomas watkins's rating:
5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
i think this movie is a bad-kicka-- movie that's what i think
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Keanu Reeves Keanu Reeves as:
Jack Traven
Dennis Hooper as:
Howard Payne
Sandra Bullock Sandra Bullock as:
Annie Porter
Joe Morton Joe Morton as:
Capt. Herb McMahon
Jeff Daniels Jeff Daniels as:
Harry Temple
Alan Ruck Alan Ruck as:
Glenn Plummer as:
Jaguar Owner
Beth Grant as:
Richard Schiff Richard Schiff as:
Train Driver