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The Mask of Zorro
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
The Mask of Zorro Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Branford Hoyts
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1998 Category: Drama Action
Director: Martin Campbell Time: 136 min. Writer: Ted Elliot & Terry Rossio

Mine: Even if Antonio Bandaras is in this it is still good. He is not asked to do much and delivers. Hopkins is great as always and Zeta-Jones is terrific. I could not believe that she was Welsh after this movie. Good story. Love the swashbucklers!!
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: An aging Zorro passes the mantle of public protector to a younger man who's reluctant at first but soon relishes his secret identity with cape and sword. Exquisite, exciting, with great swordplay and horse action--but has too much of everything, as if the filmmakers want to wear you out. Banderas is an ideal Zorro, Hopkins a surprisingly engaging one, Zeta-Jones a saucy and beautiful heroine.
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Antonio Banderas Antonio Banderas as:
Anthony Hopkins Anthony Hopkins as:
Don Diego de la Vega
Catherine Zeta-Jones Catherine Zeta-Jones as:
Elena Montero
Diego Sieres as:
Joaquin Murrieta
Stuart Wilson as:
Ragael Montero
Tony Amendola as:
Don Luiz
Paco Morayta as:
Luisa Huetas as: