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The Big Lebowski
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
The Big Lebowski Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: At Hoyts Branford w/ Amie Fanning
Rating: R Year: 1998 Category: Comedy
Director: Joel Coen Time: 119 min. Writer: Joel & Ethan Coen

Mine: Good stuff. I can't quite pin down what I think is so good about this movie, but I can watch it again and again and like it every time.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: One big shaggy-dog joke, courtesy of the Coen brothers, about a slacker who's mistaken for a crime bigwig of the same name--and then gets hired by the guy to pay off a ransom. Mostly an excuse for off-the-wall character vignettes, some of which are amusing, some of which are just... strange. Minor Coen concoction with a most agreeable cast. Turturro is a standout as Jesus the bowler.
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Jeff Bridges Jeff Bridges as:
The Dude
John Goodman John Goodman as:
Walter Sobchak
Julianne Moore Julianne Moore as:
Maude Lebowski
Steve Buscemi Steve Buscemi as:
David Huddleston as:
The Big Lebowski
Philip Seymour Hoffman Philip Seymour Hoffman as:
Flea as:
John Turturro John Turturro as:
Jesus Quintana
Ben Gazzara Ben Gazzara as:
Joackie Treehorn
Peter Stormare Peter Stormare as:
Tara Reid Tara Reid as:
Bunny Lebowski
Jon Polito Jon Polito as:
Private Snoop
Sam Elliott Sam Elliott as:
The Stranger
David Thewlis David Thewlis as:
Knox Harrington