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In & Out
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
In & Out Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Cheri & Daniel in California
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1997 Category: Comedy
Director: Frank Oz Time: 90 min. Writer: Paul Rudnick

Mine: Good movie, if not great. Kevin Kline carrys the movie. It could have been much better. Frank Oz's other movies have more edge, this lacked that.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: When a young actor (Dillon) wins an Oscar, he thanks his small-town high school teacher--who, he says, is gay. The popular teacher, days away from his wedding, denies this emphatically but still has to deal with the tumult and media frenzy that erupts. Very funny script by Paul Rudnick, played to a fare-thee-well by an expert cast. Enjoyable cameos by Whoopi Goldberg and Glenn Close at the mock Oscar ceremony.
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Kevin Kline Kevin Kline as:
Howard Brackett
Joan Cusack Joan Cusack as:
Emily Montgomery
Matt Dillon Matt Dillon as:
Cameron Drake
Debbie Reynolds Debbie Reynolds as:
Berniece Brackett
Wilford Brimley as:
Frank Brackett
Bob Newhart Bob Newhart as:
Tom Halliwell
Tom Selleck Tom Selleck as:
Peter Malloy
Deborah Rush as:
Ava Blazer
Shalom Harlow as:
Selma Blair Selma Blair as:
Cousin Linda
Zak Orth Zak Orth as:
June Squibb June Squibb as:
Cousin Gretchen