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As Good As It Gets
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
4 Stars
As Good As It Gets Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Showcase Orange
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1997 Category: Drama Romance Comedy
Director: James L. Brooks Time: 139 min. Writer: Mark Andrus

Mine: Charming and intersting movie about mostly not so charming people. The credit goes to the writer and director for making this work. Jack is as strange and distasteful as always but they make you like him by the end of the film. The Kinnier character also starts out anoying but ends up very simpathetic. Helen is great as always. Very powerful story about the effect that people have on each other.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Professional malcontent (and full-time phobic) Nicholson is unavoidably drawn into the lives of his favorite waitress and his gay next-door neighbor. Gradually, and against his own judgment, he begins to show signs of humanity. Wonderful comedy-drama (written by Mark L. Andrus and Brooks) takes the viewer on an emotional journey, with laughs and tears along the way. Both Nicholson and Hunt won Oscars for their roles. Writer-directors Harold Ramis, Lawrence Kasdan, Shane Black, and Todd Solondz all have small roles.
User Reviews:
Kim's rating:
1.5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
Never understood the hoopla over this movie. No big deal.
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Jack Nicholson Jack Nicholson as:
Melvin Udall
Helen Hunt Helen Hunt as:
Carol Connelly
Greg Kinnear Greg Kinnear as:
Simon Bishop
Cuba Gooding Jr. Cuba Gooding Jr. as:
Frank Sachs
Skeet Ulrich as:
Brian Doyle-Murray Brian Doyle-Murray as:
Yeardley Smith as:
Lupe Ontiveros as:
Harold Ramis Harold Ramis as:
Dr. Bettes
Leslie Stefanson Leslie Stefanson as:
Cafe 24 Waitress
Maya Rudolph Maya Rudolph as: