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License To Drive
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
License To Drive Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica in Berlington VT
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1988 Category: Comedy
Director: Greg Beeman Time: min. Writer: Neil Tolkin

Mine: Nothing special. Heather Graham was great looking even then. So so.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Noisy teen comedy about a 16-year-old who's just flunked his driver's test, and sneaks his grandfather's prized car out for a ``dream'' date that turns into a nightmare. Appealing performance by Haim, and a terrific one by the underrated Masur. Uneven comedy; low point: a long, tasteless sequence involving a drunk driver.
User Reviews:
L. Lanberg's rating:
None Given
(out of 5 stars)
The most hilarious parody I'd ever seen...and the only 1980's movie I'd ever watch again. All walks of life are lampooned here and is highlighted by the great acting (supporting cast included). The DMV,concerned parents, radical protestors, policemen, teachers, overzealous values in general are parodied in this movie - to the max. Also, two different scenes where a Red Neck tow-truck driver, and later, an elderly, chronic alcoholic behind the wheel of a car are lampooned. Every scene, to me, is hilarious....and that says something for I find most all comedies to be contrived & bland. To me, this gem was NOT AT ALL about driving school or teenage much as it was an excellent, sardonic pinting of 1980's life in general. Was it supposed to have a plot???!! I don't know, I was too busy laughing at the Saturday Night Live-ish portrayals of various characters in life.
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Corey Haim Corey Haim as:
Les Anderson
Corey Feldman Corey Feldman as:
Carol Kane Carol Kane as:
Mrs. Anderson
Richard Masur as:
Mr. Anderson
Heather Graham Heather Graham as:
Michael Manasseri as:
Harvey Miller as:
The Professor
Michael A. Nickles as:
Nina Siemascko as: