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Zach Galifianakis
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Originally from western North Carolina, Zach moved to New York City after failing his last college class by one point. Zach got his start performing his brand of humor in the back of a hamburger joint in Times Square. He now tours the country, performing in coffee shops and universities. When not performing stand-up, Zach spends time at his home in the mountains of his native North Carolina, where he hopes to open a writer's retreat on a completely self-sustained farm.

Zach Galifianakis stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Into the Wild 2007 Suzy and Hanna 2020-01-12 ***
G-Force 2009 Suzy and Hanna 2009-11-06 **
The Hangover 2009 Suzy 2010-01-10 * 1/2
Youth in Revolt 2009 2022-03-09 **
It's Kind of a Funny Story 2010 Suzy 2020-11-14 ***
Due Date 2010 Suzy 2011-04-18 * 1/2
The Muppets 2011 Suzy and Hanna 2012-02-24 **
Puss in Boots 2011 Hanna and Suzy 2012-03-10 ** 1/2
Muppets Most Wanted 2014 Suzy and Hanna 2014-07-13 * 1/2
Birdman 2014 Suzy 2015-01-12 ** 1/2
Masterminds 2016 Suzy 2016-11-27 ***
Keeping Up with the Joneses 2016 Suzy 2017-01-14 ** 1/2
A Wrinkle in Time 2018 Suzy 2018-06-28 **
Missing Link 2019 Suzy and Hanna 2020-02-07 *** 1/2