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Sam Waterston
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'Lynn Louisa Woodruff Waterston' (26 January 1976 - present); 3 children
'Barbara Rutledge-Johns Waterston' (1964 - 1969) (divorced); 1 son

Once lived in a house previously owned by New Yorker writer James Thurber.

Son of George C. Waterston, and grew up at Brooks School, a boarding school in North Andover, MA.

Father of James Waterston

He attended Groton Prep School and then entered Yale University on a scholarship in 1958 where he studied French and History and graduated with a BA in 1962. He spent his junior year studying at the Sorbonne in Paris. After failing to quash the acting bug he studied at the American Actors Workshop in Paris. After leaving Yale he spent some months at the Clinton Playhouse. He lives in Connecticut with his wife and four children, Elizabeth, Katherine, Graham and James.

(2001) Recieved honorary degree from Yale
Biography from Leonard Maltin's Movie Encyclopedia:

This tall, slender character actor and occasional lead, educated at the Sorbonne in Paris, was an accomplished New York stage performer before appearing on screen in a number of inconsequential pictures in the late 1960s (beginning with 1967's Fitzwilly and the early 1970s, including Merchant and Ivory's Savages (1972). His portrayal of Nick Carraway in the undistinguished The Great Gatsby (1974) opened some eyes, but his screen career remained stuck in low gear, in such films as Rancho Deluxe (1975, a cult favorite), Journey Into Fear (also 1975), Dandy, the All-American Girl (1976), Capricorn One (1978), Sweet William (1979), Hopscotch and the notorious Heaven's Gate (both 1980). His career continued to flourish on stage; then in 1984 he gave a subtle, heartfelt performance as journalist Sidney Schanberg in The Killing Fields (1984) and earned an Oscar nomination as Best Actor. Woody Allen adopted him as one of his informal stock company and cast him in Interiors (1978), Hannah and Her Sisters (1986, unbilled), September (1987), and Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989), in which he played the rabbi who is losing his sight. He's been highly visible in prestige TV productions such as The Glass Menagerie (1973, with Katharine Hepburn), Finnegan Begin Again (1985), the miniseries "Gore Vidal's Lincoln" (1988, in a part he reprised in a 1993 Broadway revival of "Abe Lincoln in Illinois"), and the highly acclaimed dramas "I'll Fly Away" (1991-93) and "Law and Order" (1994-). Recent film credits include Serial Mom (1994).

Sam Waterston stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Hopscotch 1980 0000-00-00 ****
Crimes and Misdemeanors 1989 With Jessica 0000-00-00 * 1/2
Serial Mom 1994 Don't Remember 0000-00-00 ***