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Rory Cochrane
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Rory Cochrane was born in New York on February 28, 1972, but spent his childhood in England. He then returned to the United States and was educated in New York City and trained in the drama department of NYC's LaGuardia High School of Performing Arts. His first roles included a part in a docudrama about drugs on Saturday Night with Connie Chung (1989) in 1989 and an appearance in an episode of H.E.L.P. (1990) in 1990. He then made his film debut (with about fifteen seconds screen time) in A Kiss Before Dying (1991), followed by his first substantial role as Jeff Goldblum's son in Fathers & Sons (1992).

Rory Cochrane stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Dazed and Confused 1993 Suzy 2017-04-25 *
Empire Records 1995 Suzy 2020-04-22 ***
Hart's War 2002 At Middletown Destinta 2002-02-18 ** 1/2
Public Enemies 2009 Suzy 2009-11-15 * 1/2
Bringing Up Bobby 2011 Suzy 2016-03-09 ***
Argo 2012 Suzy at Middletown 2012-11-07 *** 1/2