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Mark Harmon
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Son of Tom Harmon and Elyse Knox. Sister Kelly Harmonis the Tic-Tac model. Oldest sister is Kristin Harmon, painter and ex-wife of Ricky Nelson. That makes him the uncle of actress Tracy Nelson, and musicians Matthew Nelson and Gunnar Nelson of the band Nelson. In 1987 Harmon and his wife, Pam Dawber, sued his sister Kris for custody of her youngest son Sam.

Pam Dawber (1987 - present) 2 sons


Uncle of musicians Gunnar Nelson and Matthew Nelson.

Uncle of Sam Nelson.

Brother-in-law of singer Ricky Nelson.

Mother is actress Elyse Knox.

Father is football star Tom Harmon.

Mark Harmon stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Stealing Home 1988 With Jessica 0000-00-00 **
Wyatt Earp 1994 At Showcase Orange 0000-00-00 **
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas 1998 Suzy on DVD 2005-03-11 **
Freaky Friday 2003 w/ Hanna, Kendra Elizabeth & Suzy at Destina Middletown 2003-08-29 ***
Chasing Liberty 2004 w/ Family on DVD 2004-06-05 *