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Lara Flynn Boyle
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5' 6"
'John Patrick Dee III' (11 August 1996 - 1998) (divorced)

Has 2 tattoos: a Celtic cross on her left ankle, and a shamrock near her left pelvic joint.

Moved to Los Angeles with her mother the day after her High School graduation.

Educated at the Chicago Academy for the Arts.

Parents divorced when she was six, has neither seen nor spoken to her father since.

Mother is her assistant.

Was named after the (I) Christie, Julie character in Doctor Zhivago (1965).

Auditioned for the role of Ally McBeal. Press Interview May 2,1999

Is an only child.

Grew up in Chicago.

She was reportedly a passenger in Jack Nicholson's Mercedes when the car collided with another car in the Hollywood Hills on July 8, 1999. She was dating Spade at the time, and reportedly fled the scene for fear of being seen romantically with Nicholson.

Is dyslexic

As a young child, she was extremely shy. Overcame her shyness by taking Irish folk dancing, art classes, and working in a local improv class.

Lara Flynn Boyle stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Mobsters 1990 With Trish and Jessica at Showcase North Haven 0000-00-00 ** 1/2
Red Rock West 1992 on DVD 0000-00-00 *** 1/2
Waynes World 1992 Don't Remember 0000-00-00 **
The Road to Wellville 1994 Do not Remember 0000-00-00 **
Men in Black II 2002 at Branford Hoyts 2002-07-12 ***