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James Brolin
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Barbra Streisand (1 July 1998 - present)
Jan Smithers (1986 - 1995) (divorced) 1 daughter
Jane Cameron Agee (1966 - 1984) (divorced) 2 sons


Announced engagement to Barbra Streisand [May 1997]

Father of actor Josh Brolin

Was screen-tested for the role of James Bond in Octopussy (1983).

His first wife, Jane, died in a car crash in 1995. This was devastating to him because after all the turmoil during their divorce, they had become friends. This friendship started when they both had to put up a brave face at a premiere for their son, Josh Brolin.

Acted in a makeup test for Planet of the Apes (1968).

Father-in-law of Diane Lane.

James Brolin stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Westworld 1973 Suzy 2017-04-24 **
Traffic 2000 at Branford Hoyts 2001-01-07 *** 1/2
The Master of Disguise 2002 w/ Suzy and Kendra on DVD 2003-02-07 *
Catch Me If You Can 2002 w/ Suzy on DVD 2003-06-14 ***
Last Chance Harvey 2008 Suzy 2009-05-02 ** 1/2
Burlesque 2010 Suzy and Kendra 2018-07-13 ** 1/2
Sisters 2015 Suzy, Beth, Mandy and Lorry in Berlin 2015-12-29 *** 1/2