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Gina Carano
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Gina Joy Carano was born under a tornado warning in Dallas, Texas, to parents Dana Joy (Cason) and Glenn Thomas Carano. Her father played for the Super Bowl Champion Dallas Cowboys as a backup quarterback for Roger Staubach and Danny White from 1977-1983. In 1984, he was the starting quarterback for the USFL Pittsburgh Maulers. Gina's parents divorced when she was a child, but her father remained involved in her upbringing and is her biggest fan. Gina is of three sixteenths Italian descent, and her other roots include English, Scottish, Dutch, and German.

Gina Carano stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Haywire 2011 on Airplane to Ireland 2018-04-14 ** 1/2
Heist 2015 Suzy 2016-01-05 ** 1/2
Deadpool 2016 Suzy at Destina Middletown 2016-03-22 *** 1/2