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Edward Asner
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'Nancy Sykes' (1957 - 1988) (divorced); 3 children (1 set of twins)
'Cindy Gilmore' (2 August 1998 - present)

Father of Kate Asner

He had a son in 1987 with Carol Jean Vogelman.

Engaged to Cindy Gilmore in 1991.

(1981-1985) President of Screen Actors Guild (SAG).

A long-time political activist, he accused the CBS network of cancelling "Lou Grant" over his publicized disapproval of the United States involvement in Central America

Edward Asner stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Gus 1976 Hamden Cinemart? 0000-00-00 **
JFK 1991 Showcase Orange 0000-00-00 *** 1/2
The Bachelor 1999 w/ suzy at home on HBO 2001-12-17 ** 1/2
Elf 2003 w/ Family on DVD 2004-12-04 **
Up 2009 Suzy & Hanna in Wallingford 2009-06-05 ****