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Dylan Baker
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6' 0"
Becky Ann Baker (? - present)

Dylan Baker appears in a non-speaking role as an arresting officer in a United States Postal Service training film, apparently made sometime in the 1980s, warning of the dangers of mail theft. The film, narrated by a characteristically grim Edward James Olmos in his "Lieutenant Castillo" mode, is entitled "Was It Worth It?" (you can probably guess the answer) and is still being shown to new USPS employees.

Attended William and Mary College in Williamburg, Virginia.

Dylan Baker stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Planes, Trains and Automobiles 1987 With Jessica 0000-00-00 *
Last of the Mohicans 1992 With Trish or Greta 0000-00-00 ***
Life with Mikey 1993 Showcase North Haven? 0000-00-00 ***
Random Hearts 1999 With Mary and Lois at Showcase Orange 0000-00-00 **
Thirteen Days 2000 Branford Hoyts 2001-01-20 ***
Along Came a Spider 2001 2017-02-20 ***
The Tailor of Panama 2001 at Showcase Orange 2001-04-20 ** 1/2
Changing Lanes 2002 at Berlin Showcase 2002-04-19 ***
Road to Perdition 2002 at Showcase Berlin 2002-08-16 *** 1/2
Selma 2014 Suzy 2015-01-20 ***