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Brooke Shields
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Biography from Leonard Maltin's Movie Encyclopedia:

Former child model (since the age of 1) "discovered" for movies by director Louis Malle, who cast her as a barely pubescent prostitute in his Pretty Baby (1978). Although Malle (and Shields' zealous stage mother, Teri Shields) claimed that Brooke's nude scenes were handled tastefully, a naked 13-year-old was a bit daunting for many fundamentalist and anti-pornography groups, who caused much commotion and generated free publicity with their protests. Shields (whose first movie had actually been 1977's Alice, Sweet Alice worked feverishly over the next couple of years, appearing in King of the Gypsies, Tilt (both 1978), Wanda Nevada, Just You and Me, Kid (both 1979), Endless Love (1981) and, most visibly, in the execrable The Blue Lagoon (1980), a tale of two young children, stranded on a desert island, who discover love and sex (without parental guidance).

Although she was by that time one of the biggest celebrities in America, Shields took a four-year sabbatical from pictures to attend Princeton. Her subsequent films have been, for the most part, ghastly, and while Shields is a lovely young woman who tries very hard, she's never become much of an actress. Other credits include Sahara (1984), The Muppets Take Manhattan (1984, cameo), Wet Gold (1984 telefilm), Speed Zone! (1989, cameo), Backstreet Dreams (1990), and Brenda Starr (1992, filmed in 1986).

Brooke Shields stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Just You and Me Kid 1979 York Square Cinema 0000-00-00 ***
The Muppets Take Manhattan 1984 Hanna 2009-11-28 ** 1/2
The Bachelor 1999 w/ suzy at home on HBO 2001-12-17 ** 1/2
Furry Vengeance 2010 Hanna and Kendra 2010-08-20 **